Mastering Project Change


10 PMI Pre-approved PDUs. 10 Ways of Working (Technical,) 0 Power Skills (Leadership,) 0 Business Accumen (Strategic)

Start Date

New students may begin right now!


PMI® Premier Authorized Training Partner Course Rating

★★★★☆ (4/5)

Project managers know project change is a real and present threat to their projects. It could be said; however, that project management itself is about the management of change.

Project managers must manage “planned” change (the project as initially defined) as well as “unplanned” changes (change management) that occur. This course will provide you better tools and understanding to facilitate those “unplanned” project changes. Learn how change management is really an opportunity for greater project success.

Course Credit: 10 PMI PDUs upon course completion. 10 Ways of Working, 0 Power Skills, 0 Business Accumen.



Mastering Project Change will focus on both the hard skills of implementing an effective change management process assuring project success while also incorporating the soft skills surrounding gaining stakeholder buy-in on one of the most critical procedures of effective project management.

With Mastering Project Change you can:

  • Implement effective change control process
  • Sell the value of change control to project stakeholders and achieve process buy-in
  • Learn to better manage the project ambiguities that often make change management more difficult
  • View change management as a necessary and productive component of a successful project
  • Understand the impacts of contract types on change management
  • Improve project communications regarding change
  • Mastering Project Change self-paced distance learning format includes:
  • Practical, real-world case study as a method to apply key course concepts
  • Change management process and templates to implement course content
  • The option to add a printed course guide
  • Unlimited 1-on-1 instructor interaction
  • And much more…

Project Management Professionals (PMP)® earn 10 Category A PDUs upon Mastering Project Change course completion.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course the student will be able to:

  • Define project change management and understand its importance in the success of a project
  • List the elements of an effective change control system and its implementation
  • Discuss methods for gaining agreement from project stakeholders regarding the utilization of a change management process
  • Explain the importance of consistently implementing a change management process
  • Complete an assessment to determine how well you are presently managing change in your projects

Testimonials from this course:


“Change is always very tricky to deal with but impossible without a plan of attack, tools or forethought. This course give tremendous insight on how to effectively look change on the eye.”
-Mastering Project Change
Judy Messer, PMP

“The workbook contained a very good flow diagram of the different stages and steps of the Change Control Process included in the material. This was a very helpful course.”
-Mastering Project Change
James Dewer, PMP

“The material was succinct and excellently presented. The suggested answer key is a wonderful compendium of the text and can be used as a quick resource on projects.”
-Mastering Project Change
Margaret Kelly, PMP

“Self-paced instruction allows me to fit it whenever time is available rather than having to make time to attend an off-site course. This course and exercises did a lot to help us structure a formal change management process.”
-Mastering Project Change
Michael Green

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10 PMI Pre-approved PDUs. 10 Ways of Working (Technical,) 0 Power Skills (Leadership,) 0 Business Accumen (Strategic)

Start Date

New students may begin right now!


PMI® Premier Authorized Training Partner Course Rating

★★★★☆ (4/5)